Review and analysis of grading scales for ocular surface staining
Apr 1, 2019 · To assess total ocular surface staining, the cornea and conjunctival staining are graded, first using fluorescein dye to assess tear film stability over the cornea and then lissamine green or rose bengal dyes for conjunctival staining.
NEI grading scale for corneal fluorescein staining | OPTH
Nov 23, 2022 · Commonly used grading scales for corneal fluorescein staining include the National Eye Institute (NEI)/Industry Workshop grading scale, the Oxford scale, and the van Bijsterveld scale.
Ocular surface staining: Current concepts and techniques
Grading of ocular surface staining can be done by diving the cornea and conjunctiva into zones and assessing the surface changes highlighted by surface staining. Although there exist numerous grading systems, there is no current consensus regarding the best assessment and scoring system available.
A novel scale for describing corneal staining - PMC - PubMed …
When describing and quantifying corneal staining, ideally three elements need to be considered: location, area and depth. There are many different corneal staining grading scales currently in use.
Staining ranges from 0-5 for each panel and 0-15 for the total exposed inter-palpebral conjunctiva and cornea. The dots are ordered on a log scale. Dye is instilled. Slit-lamp is set (eg.16 magnification with x10 oculars with Haag-Streit).
Review and analysis of grading scales for ocular surface staining
Apr 1, 2019 · However, despite common usage, a universally accepted “gold standard” grading scale does not exist for corneal and conjunctival staining, which can impact the ability to diagnose and monitor...
Grading of corneal and conjunctival staining in the context of …
Methods: The grading of corneal and conjunctival staining is described, using the Oxford Scheme, including biomicroscopy, optical filters, illumination conditions, and the characteristics of and instillation techniques used for, selected clinical dyes.
They cover six key ocular signs that practitioners regularly grade in practice: limbal redness, lid redness, lid roughness, corneal staining and meibomian gland dysfunction. Under this system, grades are interpreted according to the guidelines above.
Deciphering Corneal Staining Scales | Contact Lens Spectrum
Apr 1, 2007 · A look at the impact of grading scales and study designs on corneal staining results in clinical studies. Corneal staining is a valuable clinical tool for assessing corneal epithelial integrity at the slit lamp.
The Evolution of the NEI Corneal Sodium Fluorescein Staining Scale
Jul 18, 2023 · The original NEI corneal grading scale uses a 0 to 3 integer grading scale for each eye across five corneal regions (central, inferior, superior, temporal, nasal); the width of each of these regions is about one third of the corneal diameter.