Chemical engineers at the University of Bath have claimed a world first with the creation of a sustainable plant-based nanofiltration membrane that contains no fossil fuel-derived materials or toxic … ...
“To eat is to compete in an arms race,” says Dr Chris van Tulleken, whose thoughts on evangelising through science, engaging food producers and self-experimentation promise another absorbing series o… ...
Durham University scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in marine geoscience, using seabed seismographics to study the world’s strongest turbidity currents as they occur in one of the longe… ...
A four year project intended to boost Europe’s role in quantum research has secured €3.2 million from Horizon Europe. A four year project intended to boost Europe’s role in quantum research has ...
Research teams from the Universities of Manchester and Sheffield will share £1 million to help underwrite their work into breast cancer recurrence. Research teams from the Universities of Manchester ...
Fig 5 re-produced from Biology of Otodus megalodon by Kenshu Shimada et al. Most Shared ...
A common freshwater species of algae packed with nutritional benefits could be the next agricultura… ...
UK biotech investment for 2022 dropped from the previous year’s all-time record, reveals the latest… ...
Aston Institute for Membrane Excellence (AIME) has received public and private funding of more than £13 million to fund its MEMetic project for water filtration. Aston Institute for Membrane ...
Developers responsible for a new microscope say its improved technology enables the instrument to visualise complex electron spin states in materials.
Time is running out to apply for lectureships offered through two of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship journals.