Some traditional medicines contain species protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Before you bring them into New Zealand, you need to know what species they ...
the name of the animal or plant species in your item what Appendix the CITES species is covered by­­ how old your item is, approximately any additional requirements that may apply such as biosecurity ...
如果您计划将传统中药带入或运送到新西兰,您可能需要 CITES 许可证。了解您是否需要许可证以及如何申请 一些传统药物含有受濒危物种国际贸易公约 (CITES) 保护的物种。 在将它们带入新西兰 ...
You must have approval to possess some live freshwater species. Get information on the authorisations required. You must have approval to possess some live freshwater species. Information on the ...
Complete this form to submit a ballot for hunting in the Greenstone/Caples hunting area. Privacy disclosure: To process your request or information, we need to ...