Life-long Lutherans come to church each Sunday, open the hymnal to the right page, and are ready to worship. But a visitor coming in for the first time may find the order of service confusing and ...
This is the 2024 Advent Devotion from Steadfast Press/Steadfast Lutherans. This provides Scripture, a devotion, and prayer for each day through Advent centered around the theme of the prophecies of ...
The most beneficial thought on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ is thought from the Scriptures that leads us to have greater trust in His work for our salvation. The suffering of Jesus is not ...
The sixth in a series on the Small Catechism, “Given and Shed for You” is a Lenten Devotion on the Lord’s Supper. For each of the Days of Lent and the Sundays in Lent there are lessons from Scripture ...
A Lenten devotion on the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Use the season of Lent to dive deep into the fountain of Scripture to learn about Holy Baptism. Readers will gain the pure teaching of what baptism ...
The start of a new church year is coming. As has become the custom here at Steadfast we are working up a devotional series for Advent). This year’s series is titled “For Unto Us a Son is Given” ...
“Created to be Redeemed and Sanctified” is a Devotional series for the season of Lent. Following the flow of Luther’s Small Catechism, it uses the text of Holy Scripture, the three Ecumenical Creeds, ...
As if Christ Our Dear Lord Dealt with Us Himself: Confession and Absolution for Lent takes the reader into the fifth chief part of the Luther’s Small Catechism. This is a devotional designed for use ...
“Come and See” is the 2022 Advent Devotional from Steadfast Lutherans. It focuses on the teaching of how we come and see Jesus, and also provides encouragement to invite others to church but also ...
The devotion teaches on the 7 marks of the Church as Dr. Luther describes them in his work “On the Councils and the Church”. The devotion teaches on the 7 marks of the Church as Dr. Luther describes ...