13 марта 2025 года компания "Связь и Радионавигация" провела шестую профильную конференцию, собравшую судовладельцев и ...
SKIPPER EML224 COMPACT electromagnetic log. Difference from SKIPPER EML224 Graphic is that the operator panel (display) less. COMPACT EML224 available in one or two axes, which makes it more flexible, ...
The CPT-165 Magnetic Compass is a high-quality and reliable navigation device that belongs to a variety of liquid magnetic compasses. The compass is developed on the basis of a Class A magnetic ...
The DS-90R log is a modern device designed to measure and monitor the speed of a vessel relative to water or the seabed. This instrument is based on the principles of the Doppler effect and rotating ...
The optical direction finder PGK-2 is designed for direction finding of coastal objects, celestial bodies and determination of heading angles along the azimuth circle of the repeater.
*Допускается комбинированная радиоустановка или в виде отдельных устройств. Для района А3 - ПВ/КВ-радиоустановка не требуется при наличии ...
Аварийный радиобуй – устройство, предназначенное для извещения поисково-спасательных служб о бедствии судна, посредством подачи сигнала.
The Jotron SR8201 microphone is one of the main parts of the Jotron 8200 external audio pickup system. The SR8200 system is an acoustic electronic navigation device that allows watchmen to hear ...
VPA-240 - is a power amplifier in a 19 inch cabinet for up to 240 watts. Rack-mountable. It has outputs at 100 V and 8 ohm, and two switch inputs with priority. The amplifier is protected against ...
Radar transponder JRC SART JQX-30 A is necessary for the conduct of search and rescue at sea. The device is a necessary equipment GMDSS on board and approved by the Russian Maritime Register as an ...
M5187F X-Band Magnetron with fixed frequency pulse operates at frequencies 9410 ± 30 MHz. This is replacement of magnetron M515 and its equipment is manufactured on the principle of maximum limits in ...
M5089T - the magnetron produced by the e2v company of the X-Band range has a power of 25 kW and operates at 9415-9460 MHz. Magnetron is widely used in marine radars and requires natural or forced air ...