Lawmakers voted 142-88, with zero abstentions, against the motion of confidence that was presented last Thursday by Prime ...
Portuguese PM Luis Montenegro lost a vote of confidence yesterday, setting the country up for its third snap election since ...
Luís Montenegro vai ser entrevistado esta segunda-feira, dia 10 de março, a partir das 20h00, na TVI e CNN Portugal. A ...
Portugal has slid back into more political uncertainty after its third government fell in as many years when Prime Minister ...
Portuguese voters are becoming increasingly frustrated with the country's political elites as another snap election looms - ...
The center-right government loses the vote and falls after a scandal of alleged corruption involving the Prime Minister, who ...
Portugal's centre-right government lost a confidence vote Tuesday evening following ongoing accusations of conflicts of ...
Portugal is heading to its third early election in just over three years after parliament toppled Prime Minister Luis ...
Para Luís de Sousa, falta em Portugal uma instância que dê pareceres independentes sobre questões éticas. Isso evitaria, ...
Portugal’s Parliament ousted the center-right government in a vote of no confidence on Tuesday, forcing the third national ...
Portugal’s minority government has lost a confidence vote in parliament, forcing its resignation and bringing the European Union country’s third general election in three years ...