How can only 25,000-30,000 protein-coding genes in humans produce ... because regulatory sequences that sometimes designate an exon's inclusion into the mature mRNA dictate the exclusion of ...
Interpretability analysis revealed that Evo 2 autonomously learns key biological structures, including transcription factor binding sites, exon ... coding genes, tRNAs, and rRNAs. Beyond sequence ...
We also examined the frequency of exon skipping and length variation ... expression will need to be expanded beyond a single coding sequence per gene to include all possible alternative exons ...
The researchers targeted a specific exon coding for an amino acid sequence within a protein that gets cleaved to form amyloid-beta, which accumulates to form plaques on neurons in the brain as the ...
The new exon does not introduce new protein-coding sequences. Instead, it contains multiple stop codons that cause protein synthesis to terminate, the mRNA to fall off the ribosome, and then the ...