Since last week’s newsletter offered a favorite argument for the existence of God, it’s only fair to balance the scales by ...
"Regardless of what challenges you’ve been through or what you are facing now, God is right there with you," writes columnist-Vigorito.
Those of us still struggling to be faithful to the true Catholic church in these perilous times should pray for priests who, recent messages from Heaven say, ar ...
The Gospel passage today is Luke’s version of the beatitudes. It is critical to understand that beatitude is not something we achieve; rather, it is something we receive. Jesus is saying that this is ...
Is the Cosmos, Universe in motion or is it stationery? The whole cosmos, taken as a unit, cannot move. In regard to what will it move? It cannot be said to change. With regard ...
All of that is inevitable, but it becomes dangerous when we mistake religion for God or reduce God to the parameters of ...