Both Luke Skywalker and Grand Master Yoda took the coward's way out after they failed to prevent the rise of the dark side.
Luke Skywalker had every right to be upset with Obi-Wan Kenobi after Return of the Jedi, but one moment proves just how angry ...
I am not quite sure how it came to be, but somehow, some way, somewhere along the line, I became Pastor Yoda. I realized this ...
I am not quite sure how it came to be, but somehow, some way, somewhere along the line, I became Pastor Yoda. I realized this when a preacher in his ...
I am not quite sure how it came to be, but somehow, some way, somewhere along the line, I became Pastor Yoda. I realized this when a preacher in his early thirties reached out to me to tell me ...
I am not quite sure how it came to be, but somehow, some way, somewhere along the line, I became Pastor Yoda. I realized this ...
Premium Quality Power IPO Day 2 Highlights: The subscription period for the Quality Power IPO is scheduled from Friday, February 14, to Tuesday, February 18. Quality Power IPO Day 2 Highlights ..., Jakarta Yoda, the tiny green Jedi Master from Star Wars, is known for his unique way of speaking and profound wisdom. His quotes have inspired fans for decades. 2. “Size matters not.