The United States of Africa is the political uniting of all African and Afro Caribbean nations, along with Papua New Guinea, ...
People of African descent and Brazilians in Ireland experience widespread discriminatory policing and racial profiling, a new ...
Like many contentious issues in Martinique, water is intertwined with questions of class and race, including the prominence ...
In plenty of majority-Black neighborhoods, cities, and nations — think the British Commonwealth, or other colonized places — what happens is often dictated by White people with economic and ...
We saw three White gentlemen walking away with ... We’re beginning to do that. AFRO: How do you specifically address people’s concerns about the integrity of the Baltimore Sun with recent ...
The Black Trail Runners co-founder has tackled some of the world’s toughest ultras, but the biggest battle has been fighting ...
A drummer, a DJ-producer and an orchestra director discuss the challenges for Black artists, how things are changing and increasing access to the arts ...
A Connecticut dance instructor faces accusations of racism after she rushed on stage to congratulate four young contest ...
The trooper recognized it was Afroman, a Grammy-nominated rapper made famous in the early 2000s after the hit songs “Because ...
Womanist theology isn’t just for Black women. It’s a theology that offers a different lens, an new imagination for all, even white men.
Research suggests the synthetic hair used for braiding could be bad for you - but will that stop women using it?
LGBTQ homesteaders are sharing their stories in online spaces that are typically dominated by creators who adhere to strict ...