Cub Scout Pack 2021 is the only all girl pack in the City of Bakersfield. Organizers are molding young women to be the ...
A 14-year-old Boy Scout from Batesville, Indiana, has made a significant impact on the lives of homeless youth in Aurora by ...
Cameron Ragazzo, Joey Knapper and Blake Nettles of Troop 513 at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick completed their journey to the highest Boy Scout rank.
Wharton County Cub scout Pack 196 had their annual cake auction at Taiton Community Center recently. Snakes and cakes ...
Every year since 1953, Cub Scouts across the country have participated in the Pinewood Derby with the goal of building and racing small, driverless wooden cars down a sloped track, powered only by ...
He is a member of Boy Scout Troop 72 and Alisha Anderson ... fall of 2014 and transferred to Strasburg’s Cub Scout Pack 72 to complete his Webelos II rank in 2018. After earning the Arrow ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) - After 115 years, the national scouting group changed its name from Boy Scouts of America to Scouting America, hoping to foster a more inclusive environment. Girls have ...
HBO host Bill Maher discussed the Boy Scouts of America's recent name change to Scouting America with his panel in the Overtime segment on Friday's broadcast of 'Real Time." "It's such an Onion ...
Tony McClain reports that “7 Scout leaders and 17 Scouts from Malad Troop 1776 attended the Utah Grizzlies hockey game on Friday January 10. The 15th ranked Grizzlies upset the 4th ranked Kansas City ...
Our other important event is the Blue & Gold Banquet, where second-year Webelos receive the Arrow of Light award and move up to a Boy Scouts troop. The pack also conducts several service projects.