The festival will host events such as embroidery workshops and tours around the tombs of Katharine of Aragon and Mary Queen of Scots with guides in Tudor dress. The Dean of Peterborough Cathedral ...
From humble beginnings in the service of the princes of Gwynedd, the Tudor family rose steadily to royal stock. The Tudor royal dynasty began with King Henry VII acceding to the throne of England ...
Historian John Davies on society and culture in Tudor Wales. In 1536 Wales had about 278,000 inhabitants. The number had risen to around 360,000 in 1620 and to perhaps 500,000 by 1750. The chief ...
Historian John Davies on the Protestant Reformation in Tudor Wales. Devotion to traditional religion was intense in Wales in the half century before the Protestant reformation. There was a great ...
Historian John Davies on society and culture in Tudor Wales. In 1536 Wales had about 278,000 inhabitants. The number had risen to around 360,000 in 1620 and to perhaps 500,000 by 1750. The chief ...