A bill that would require all South Dakota classrooms to display the Ten Commandments is one step closer to becoming law.
"Posting the Ten Commandments in public schools fundamentally violates people's religious freedoms," said Corey Shapiro, ...
SB 51 will be heard in the House next week, and if it passes there, it will head to Gov. Larry Rhoden’s desk for final approval.
The proposal nearly died on Wednesday when a Republican senator said he hit the wrong button and voted against the bill ...
Some Alabama lawmakers want the Ten Commandments displayed in schools. A pre-filed bill would require schools to display the Ten Commandments in common areas.
Some Alabama lawmakers want the Ten Commandments displayed in schools. A pre-filed bill would require schools to display the ...
The bill advanced on an 8-vote 7 by the House Education Committee. If passed on the floor it'll go to Gov. Larry Rhoden's desk, where he can sign or veto ...