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The General Assembly has given the green light for state researchers to launch studies on removing books in public school libraries, the funding methodology used to determine judicial allocations and ...
Physicists in Japan have developed streamlined formulas to measure quantum entanglement, revealing surprising quantum ...
In a new study, researchers produced nanomaterials that could be used in developing more accurate sensors for healthcare in ...
If you want to be happier (and who doesn't?) put down roots in these cities, recently named the happiest places to live in ...
“This discovery tells us that room-temperature superconductivity is not ruled out by fundamental constants ,” University of ...
According to research published in the ACS partner journal Environment & Health, microplastics — particles from 1 to 62 ...
Current methods to recycle plastics often use expensive catalysts, harsh conditions and produce toxic byproducts. New process converts PET plastic into monomer building blocks, which can be recycled ...
The microscopic shards of plastic found in every corner of the planet may be exacerbating antibiotic resistance, a new study ...
Microplastics provide an excellent bacterial breeding ground that may be contributing to the growing problem of ...
New research suggests that content warnings may unintentionally diminish appreciation of visual art while amplifying negative ...