Somebody cue the John Williams, because after what was days of massive flooding in South Texas, creatures are starting to be ...
Coinciding with the Big Spring Sale is SharkNinja week, which allows customers to save 20% on orders over $200 with the code ...
Check back for the latest studies. Try 1 month for $1 ...
Researchers in New Zealand found that a small species of shark makes noises with their teeth when touched by humans — and now ...
The spotted estuary smoothhound, or “rig shark”, a modest little shark with mosaic teeth and a fondness for crustaceans, ...
The first-ever sounds of sharks have been captured by researchers, according to a new study in the journal Royal Society Open ...
Scientists have recorded young sharks making sounds for the first time, surprising researchers and challenging old beliefs.
Scientists visited fish markets and ports in search of sharks, ghost sharks, rays and skates caught by fishermen. Take a look at their finds.
A small international team of marine biologists has observed the first known instance of a shark intentionally making sounds.
The clicking of flattened teeth, discovered by accident, could be “the first documented case of deliberate sound production in sharks,” evolutionary biologist Carolin Nieder, of Woods Hole ...
Somehow, a large orange octopus has been riding a mako shark off the coast of New Zealand. Researchers are mystified.
Two killer whales have killed dozens — if not hundreds — of sharks, including the vaunted great whites, with an ease that has ...