MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lond), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony. FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) Specialist Consultant Paediatrician and Honorary Senior Fellow, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, ...
Does your partner keep leaving for the guest bedroom because of your thunderous snoring? Don't call the divorce lawyer.
A graph I saw in high school appeared to show the Earth breathing. It was a graph that plotted carbon dioxide in the ...
Asthma is caused by a combination of factors. People who develop asthma may have a genetic predisposition and react to ...
I suffered extensive fatigue that I had attributed to a COVID-19 infection. Then a lung culture found something called ...
Scientists found that aggressive lung cancer cells create their own electrical network, helping them spread. This unique ...
First responders are trained to minimize their exposure to the smoke, rotating crews and staying aware of wind shifts.
DIET plays a vital role in reducing cancer risk. High red meat intake has been linked to increased risk of bowel cancer, ...
Discover how diet affects lung cancer risk. Learn about the link between a high-fat, high-sugar diet and lung cancer ...
Cancer impacts millions globally, with lifestyle choices such as smoking, diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption, sun ...
Chen, F. (2025) Advances in the Application of Deep Learning in Prognostic Models for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Health, 17, ...
It invested in a robotic, noninvasive technology for biopsies of hard-to-reach lesions in the lungs and to remove suspected ...