His amendments failed. Senate Minority Leader Derrick Simmons, D-Greenville, and David Blount, D-Jackson, both offered amendments as well to change the nature of the bill, but they also failed.
While some buyers may skip the early March fairs to prep for Art Basel’s return to Hong Kong in a few weeks, this month's art fair calendar has something to offer collectors at every level.
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Follow AP’s full coverage of March ...
While Boston has continuously shown glimpses of the juggernaut it was last season, Simmons has several doubts about his hometown team. On an episode of The Bill Simmons Show, the major sports ...
Does the song title convey what it’s actually about? We’d argue not really. But of course, what’s done is done, and Simmons is one musician who will undoubtedly do whatever he feels like ...
Mo Jenkins, center, walks with state Rep. Lauren A. Simmons, D-Houston, at left, ahead of a House session on Feb. 11. Jenkins works as Simmons’ chief of staff, a role she earned after working ...
I have never been a Trump fan. The little bit I did see of him on TV didn't really endear me to him. And when he stood for President, although I saw him as better then the alternative, my views were ...
Here is a list of those who will have to rerun for their seats due to the redraw: Both Senate Minority Leader Derrick Simmons, D-Greenville, and McLendon offered amendment maps to the chamber that ...
The Old Santee Canal otter will grace the cover of the 2025 Home Telecom Directory, thanks to the winning artwork of Philip Simmons High School senior Caroline Davey. Her piece, “Old Santee ...
The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights held a rally inside the capitol Wednesday. State Sen. Mike Simmons, D-Chicago, told the crowd the fight is on. “I’m looking forward to fighting ...