But inside the papers, there was an announcement for a less-heralded art deco structure — the Royal Bank building at the northeast corner of Granville and Hastings. “It will rise to the ...
Carried out by soldiers on active duty from the Foot Guards who have guarded the Sovereign and the Royal Palaces since 1660, the sight of their famous bearskin hats and red tunics is indelibly linked ...
Check out the full vid on our channel! <a href="https://youtu.be/i5n6slWEriw">https://youtu.be/i5n6slWEriw</a> Macron: Europe must reject ‘happy vassalage’ to US ...
Mukherjee’s intricate artworks fuse abstraction with the human form, drawing influence from nature, South Asian traditions of architecture and craft, and international modernist art and design.
Explore art works, paint-smeared palettes, scribbled letters and more... Artists and architects have run the RA for 250 years. Our Collection is a record of them.
The Queen's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard has a ceremonial role in many Royal events. Yeomen of the Guard take part in the annual Royal Maundy Service; the State Opening of Parliament; the ...
#203: Developing the Resurrection, An Interview With 20th Century Fox Exec Jorge Saralegui ...
At The Queen’s Gallery, ‘Charles II: Art & Power’ demonstrates the way that the restored monarchy revived the vanished glamour of Charles I’s Court. Royal interest in collecting works of art for the ...