More than 200 Berkshire County children dove into this year's Berkshire Robotics Challenge, where STEM skills fused with the ...
Lincoln’s Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts is asking the public to co-create with them, imagining how robots can ...
Battling robot competitions have evolved quite a bit since the days of the nostalgic “Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots” action toy from the 1960s. This weekend the California VEX Robotics State Championships, ...
Robotics teams and their fans came out in force to the Alerus Center for the FIRST Robotics Competition's eighth Great Northern Regional Saturday, despite chilly temperatures and inclement weather.
By Lisa Daffy Luke Profera, Southampton High School class of 2023, said he always felt like a bit of an outsider in his ...
Beijing-based NOETIX Robotics has developed the N2, a robot capable of performing continuous backflips with near-perfect stability.
The Tennessee VEX Robotics State Championship was held at the Austin Peay State University Dunn Center on Friday and Saturday.
In a workshop filled with the hum of power tools and the click of laptop keys, a group of eighth graders from Grove ...
Teams from six different school districts all learning how to get ready for a STEM future through robots that come to life ...
Once the team made MuMuTAs work, they used five of them to actuate multi-jointed fingers in a robotic hand.
Typically teammates, the young aspiring engineers that make up Triton Regional High School’s robotics team have been ...
Over the past weekend, a FIRST Chesapeake Robotics Competition — a STEM-promoting contest involving 25-to-30 teams that ...