Dining rooms, bedrooms and other parts of the home are often converted for other uses, and one that's trending is the ...
The dream of having a fully functional home gym often starts with a few weights in the corner and a yoga mat rolled up near ...
Unlike weights, which let your muscles take a breather at the top or bottom of a rep, resistance bands keep the tension going ...
Partnership Raises FORME’s Visibility with Affluent Customers, Highlights Brand’s Seamless Integration into Premium Hospitality and Travel Environments ...
Reformer and mat pilates both have benefits, but the type you pick ultimately comes down to your goals. Experts explain which ...
Adjustable dumbbells are also especially ideal if you’re a dad building a home gym—because you’re probably not the only one ...
Throughout the movement, be sure to keep your spine straight and your hips square. A deadlift is one of the best weighted ...
MIDLIFE is no picnic. With demands from every direction – your job, relatives and children – it can feel as if you come at the bottom of the priority list. But this life stage calls for more ...
Some banded resistance bars come with platform or base attachments, and some come with foot loops. I chose to work on four ...
The Gym Monster 2 may be a lot lighter than a squat rack and all the accompanying weights, but it’s still something of a ...
Incorporating cardio into your workout routine is essential, and nothing elevates your heart rate like a motivating jogging playlist. However, many of us struggle with headphones and earbuds that ...
Some developers see a health club primarily as a promotional tool and are therefore willing to subsidise a residents-only facility because of the marketing benefits Browse through the property pages ...