Good ranchers love caring for their cattle and land. Great ranchers keep on top of the numbers that keep it all profitable. “When we’re talking about profitability, it’s usually some calculation. Some ...
Several pens of Angus steer calves under 360 kilograms have passed 400 cents a kilogram at Sale's monthly market in Central Gippsland.
When talk turns to raising cattle in a real world environment, it doesn't come more genuine than what the Wildman family of Towaw Cattle Company in Alberta, Canada, are doing.
There were multiple aspects to be marked in the history books at the Dunnon Angus bull sale, held near Holbrook, Monday, March 3.
Since 1972, there has been an increasing trend for the Milk expected progeny difference (EPD) within the Angus breed. Is this trend of increased ... “Determining the level of milk production of cows ...
Perhaps now, with Defra Secretary Michael Gove’s emphasis on animal-welfare and environmental enhancement and rising customer demand for local, slow-grown, grass-fed beef, the hardy cattle that ...