While the rise of populism has been a global phenomenon since 15 years, it has lately found particularly fertile ground in the lands of the former Danubian monarchy, Austria, Slovakia and Czech ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday Hungary would take steps to ensure all aid funding coming from the United States to NGOs and media critical of the government is revealed, saying the time ...
The Hungarian PM believes "the world owes a debt of gratitude" to Trump for "putting an end" to the US' main overseas aid ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says his government will take legal action to eliminate non-governmental organizations ...
Hungary’s economy is stumbling at a critical time for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Inflation is creeping back, wages are struggling to keep up with rising prices, and the national currency is ...
None of the 12 economists surveyed in a January Reuters poll expect Hungary's economy to reach the 3.4% growth Orban baked into this year's budget. Erste Bank, last year's most accurate forecaster of ...
he had agreed with Putin to leave the fraught history of the two countries to historians, and that the experience of the past 15 years was that Hungary could trust Russia. The questioner also drew ...
Hungarian MPs are required to submit asset declarations, but the system relies on self-reporting with no independent ...
A Kútvölgyi kórházba látogatott el Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök a koronavírus-világjárvány kitörésének ötödik évfordulóján, ahol mások mellett Müller Cecília országos tiszti fÅ‘orvossal idézték fel a ...
Jó hír bejelentését harangozta be szerdán délelÅ‘tt Orbán Viktor a Facebook-oldalán, aztán egy rövid videóban azt jelezte: "2025. január: itt a repülÅ‘rajt", amely alatt azt értette, hogy elindult a ...