It inherently makes this deck a gamble as you can hit two tails and deal no damage, but you can also burst down opposing EX Pokemon extremely quickly. Want our recommendation for the best Marowak ...
Have a neutral pick like a Dragon-type at the back, but you are unlikely to need it. With how good Shadow Marowak is in Pokemon GO's Great League meta, Cliff is a TGR leader you'd want to farm.
Among them are combinations of popular Pokemon from the franchise, such as Gengar and Cosmog, Lugia and Shuckle, Lanturn and Xurkitree, Kantonian Ninetails and Alolan Marowak, and Blastoise and ...
Research breakthrough-wise, from Tuesday 4th March to Tuesday 3rd June, you'll be able to earn an encounter with these Pokémon: Alolan Marowak, Mawile, Druddigon, Jangmo-o, Charcadet and Frigibax.