The average apartment listed for rent at $1,619 in February. Average listing prices in Plymouth County are trending 0.8723% ...
One man was killed in an early-morning shooting in Brockton Friday, according to the Plymouth County District Attorney’s ...
Local and state police are investigating a fatal shooting involving one unidentified male victim in Brockton overnight.
Detectives are investigating after an early morning shooting that left one person dead in a residential neighborhood of Brockton, Massachusetts.
PLYMOUTH, Mass. — Officials say a man tracking deer runs in a wooded Plymouth area found a human skull earlier this month.
The woman, who was not identified, was determined missing the morning of March 27 when a neighbor requested a welfare check.
The brothers left Pittsfield in two separate vehicles on their way to work in Monterey. They would never make it back home.
While it was built in 1641 by Edmund Hawes, it was sold shortly afterward to Edmond Hunt, whose family owned the Plymouth ...
Transferring people in ICE custody is common, advocates say, and legal representation isn't guaranteed to detainees.
In his zeal to get Lindsay Clancy convicted of first-degree murder, the Plymouth County DA is trying to take an ax to the First Amendment.