Most figures in Hasbro’s Black Series line aren’t $50. They’re around half that. So, clearly, this Palpatine figure had ...
Underworld would have developed many characters between Episodes III and IV, including a change to Palpatine that later became canon.
Palpatine, of course, ignored these stipulations. Darth Vader knew enough of this to react in shock when he learned of Cylo's experiments. He called them "heresy," a very deliberate word-choice ...
one of the only good Star Wars things Disney is currently producing, to try to justify or explain one of its worst new-era decisions, bringing Palpatine back. Sometimes this works. I mean ...
Before the Death Star became functional, the Ghorman Massacre was one of the Empire's deadliest attacks on its people.
Ian McDiarmid almost didn't play Palpatine due to another actor's casting ... but then I thought maybe that's a good sign. Maybe they need a great nose," McDiarmid recalled.