Magyarországnak minden eszközzel meg kell akadályozni, hogy a Török Áramlat gázvezetéket elvágják, "egyébként a gazdasági terveinket nem tudjuk véghezvinni" - mondta Orbán Viktor kormányfő a Kossuth ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has opened the National Film Institute’s expanded studio complex in Fót, on the outskirts of Budapest. “Filmmaking has been in the blood of Hungarians ...
Orbán Viktor hétfőn tartott beszédében az Európai Unió helyzetét értékelte és jövőképét rajzolta fel, hangsúlyozva, hogy a liberális demokráciák kora lejárt, és szerinte a Brüsszel feletti irányítást ...
EU sanctions against Russia are bad, but it's all good when Donald Trump threatens to impose them, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In an interview to state broadcaster Kossuth ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday. Orban, an ally of US President Donald Trump, said in statements on state radio that his government was going "line by line" through organizations ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Europe has become isolated from all the important players in the new world order, including the new US leadership, Russia, China and Africa.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday that sanctions issued by the US last week against his cabinet chief Antal Rogán have only "strengthened" his position. Rogán, a senior ...
BUDAPEST: Hungary will take steps to ensure that all aid funding coming from the United States to NGOs and media critical of the government would be revealed, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told ...