Stories of how the data was collected were fascinating. Some people camped on islands for weeks. Some scaled cliffs or jumped ...
The tropical storm that hit eastern Australia's shores battered many beaches along a 300-mile stretch of coastline that draws ...
The Malaysian cabinet has approved a fresh search for the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, more than a decade ...
The search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has resumed, with Malaysia agreeing to terms with Ocean Infinity for a new ...
A new study led by Griffith University reveals great potential for co-locating offshore industries which can ease ocean ...
The easy, laidback vibe of Melbourne, Australia's second city, is light years from the madness of Sydney, the most populous ...
The iguanas' 8,000-kilometer trip — one-fifth of the Earth’s circumference — is the longest made by a flightless land vertebrate.
The world’s oceans are changing in ways we can't ignore. New research suggests that Antarctic ice melt is slowing the ...
The world's strongest ocean current could slow as melting Antarctic ... Scientists used one of Australia's most powerful supercomputers to model how melting ice sheets might change the Antarctic ...
Now, researchers studying the octopuses have learned that not only do male blue-lined octopuses use their venom against ...
Economists say Australia has turned a corner. They say inflation has declined, real wages are growing, economic activity has picked up, and interest rates have been cut. They say we've achieved ...
Corey Ngaru and his partner, Elian Lellimo, left recession-hit New Zealand for the sunshine of Australia’s Gold Coast just a week ago, bidding a teary farewell to family and friends as they seek ...