Springsteen had seen Fontayne perform with Lone Justice on Saturday Night Live years before, and was impressed. When the time ...
Few American musicians have left a lasting impact like Bruce Springsteen. His songbook contains essential lessons for life and leadership.
Bruce Springsteen was full-voiced, spry, and a bit mischievous, too, at the E Street Band's recent concert at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut.
Lofgren was born in Chicago, Illinois on June 21, 1951 to Swedish/Italian parents. Moving to the Washington, D.C., area as a teenager, Lofgren's first instrument was the accordion. He was also a ...
and a shot of Clinch and E Street Band guitarist Nils Lofgren. Springsteen shared a second batch of DeMartin behind-the-scenes pics from Sea Hear Now mid-afternoon on Monday, Jan. 27. The pics ...