A social media influencer driving a rideable toy Cyber Truck while waving a Mexican flag attracted attention from Valencia Town Center security and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department ...
Sadly, nobody told these youngsters about unintended consequences or how their tactics might backfire. Accordingly, here's a local slice of life that we almost missed from earlier this week . . .
Lawmakers pushing to end a two-day window to remove firearms from people flagged under New Mexico’s “red flag” law want you to imagine a scenario. Amid concerns from a loved one that a ...
“We are on hold and praying that they please try to think things through and not do this,” Barajas said, speaking to Reuters from her office where she has displayed U.S., Canadian and Mexican flags. U ...
New Delhi, Feb. 9 -- A female activist was arrested in California for replacing the American flag with another nation's flag, she claimed that the region is actually "Mexican Land". In a video ...
Buena students protested after an apparent teacher's aide at Buena Park High School allegedly posted on social media threatening to burn Mexican flags. President Donald Trump paces the field at ...
Screengrab from Kern County Sheriff's Office's Instagram page A woman was arrested after she was accused of taking down a United States flag at a public park and replacing it with a Mexican flag ...
Many protesters held Mexican flags, while others could be seen with those of Honduras and Guatemala. The California Highway Patrol's Transportation Management Center closed lanes in both ...
Americans are capitalizing on the lower rents available, the cheaper standard of living, and the ability to stay in Mexico for six months without a visa. Locals are complaining that the areas ...