the Balmaceda Pascals are going to drive me crazy'. 'Lux Pascal!!!!! Ain’t nobody looking at that man; LUX PASCAL THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE; their face cards never decline huh'. 'Lux Pascal and her ...
These replies are KILLING me. I love him so much. I need more men with this type of energy in my life,” one person wrote in response to Pascal's comments.
Pascal's sister, Lux Pascal, came out as transgender in a 2021 interview with the Chilean publication Ya magazine. "For everyone in my family, my transition has been something very natural.
Pascal's sister, Lux Pascal, came out as transgender in a 2021 interview with the Chilean publication Ya magazine. "For everyone in my family, my transition has been something very natural.
Pascal’s stance is perhaps unsurprising, considering he has always vocally supported his younger sister, Lux Pascal, who publicly came out as transgender in February 2021 in a cover story for ...