Paying your credit card bill weekly is certainly not necessary. But it does come with some perks you might not realize. Read ...
He introduced a bill with Vermont’s left-wing legislator, but it’s not the strangest bipartisan effort from the Missouri ...
New legislation in Congress that would cap credit card interest rates at 10% that has the backing of President Trump could ...
Sen. Josh Hawley said he has teamed up with the consummate supporter of every bad economic idea, Sen. Bernie Sanders, to ...
A bill would cap credit card rates at 10%, something Trump promised on the campaign trail. Will Trump follow through? Will ...
A bill to limit the interest rate on credit cards has been introduced in Congress. The banking industry says capping rates ...
Josh Hawley, Bernie Sanders Propose Capping Credit Card Interest Rates At 10% ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent financial disclosures show a “massive” amount of credit card debt, according to experts.
To break the credit card debt cycle you’re currently in, you’ll need to find a way to pay off the debts you have while ...
If the Hawley–Sanders legislation passes, the government will set a price cap on what credit card companies charge for ...
Creditors cannot have you arrested for credit card debt, but they can sue you for payment. If sued and you do not respond, a ...
A bipartisan pair of senators want to cap your credit-card interest at less than half the typical rate. They may have President Trump's support—but banks aren't so excited.