Gregor Smith, who has died aged 80, was an artist raised among the steelworks, pits, mines, and farms of Lanarkshire who focused much of his work ...
Obviously, the 6-year-old Greyhound is an absolute legend, and we're lucky to have caught a glimpse of him in the wild. Sacha ...
PINK sand beaches are mainly associated with exotic destinations like Bermuda and Indonesia. But a stretch of coast on the ...
Each year, many tonnes of waste are gathered from Scotland’s coastlines. A new documentary shows through 'extreme beach cleans' the extent ...
For decades the nuclear weapons 'club' has been limited to nine nations. But fears Trump could withdraw America's 'nuclear ...
SCOTLAND is regularly voted one of the most stunning countries on the planet. There are plenty of glorious sights to see, ...
This particular monster, the story goes, had attacked swimmers in the river. Anthony explains: “One swimmer – don't ask me ...
The Loch Ness Monster Has Been Spotted Again . The Loch Ness monster has fascinated believers for years. Based on one famous image and a couple of other stories, the mysterious se ...
Nessie's body has been caught on camera, a monster hunter claims, after a mysterious black hump was filmed rising and sinking ...
SNP ministers’ “indecision and inactivity” is blocking up to £150 million of investment into Scotland’s west coast, the director of ...
When the Loch Shiel ran aground in a storm its cargo of 7,000 cases of whisky was washed overboard and soon attracted the ...
A giant sea wall which spans from Banten to Gresik must be built,” the president said on Feb 25, as quoted by Kompas news portal. “I don’t know how long it will take, but God willing ...