Kanye 'Ye' West, where do we even begin ... "I spent like all the money for the commercial on these new teeth," he said, opening his mouth to reveal his new diamond-studded teeth.
Kanye West's website, Yeezy.com ... apparently getting his expensive titanium teeth installed, and saying: "So what's up, guys? I spent, like, all the money for the commercial on these new ...
Kanye West's Yeezy.com has gone dark after ... In the 30-second spot, Kanye appears seated in a dental chair, apparently getting his pricey titanium chompers fitted. During the commercial, he ...
Kanye West's recent ... Now, a friend has alleged West may have "relapsed" on nitrous oxide when he returned to L.A. at the end of January and had dental work done. According to the National ...
Kanye 'Ye' West, where do we even begin ... "I spent like all the money for the commercial on these new teeth," he said, opening his mouth to reveal his new diamond-studded teeth.