Oregonians will soon be able to show their support for Oregon State University by purchasing a Beavers license plate. Here's ...
Iran is using aerial drones, facial recognition systems, and a citizen-reporting app to enforce mandatory hijab laws on women, according to a United Nations report released Friday.
POCATELLO — The Police Department is rolling out its new license plate readers along city streets and the devices have already resulted in multiple arrests. Using information gleaned from the ...
(Kyle Pfannenstiel/Idaho Capital Sun) Mickelsen said almost three-forths of states either offer an electronic driver’s license, or are developing one. “By moving to a mobile driver’s ...
"It's been a high public interest case," Hughes told the AP on Thursday. After Mayo provided part of the license plate number and other vehicle identifiers, the sheriff's office and the Columbia ...
All those Virginia license plates on Baltimore’s streets cost Maryland millions of dollars, but the state has little authority to do anything about it, according to a recent Motor Vehicle ...
Drive anywhere in Arizona and you'll probably catch one of more than 100 different specialty license plates that offer a unique message and personality for every driver. The Arizona Department of ...
The Iowa Senate Transportation Committee advanced a bill that would require the state Department of Transportation to issue a “Don’t Tread on Me’ license plate. Introduced by Sen.
Still waiting for the Smokey Bear license plate for your car? Me, too. In fact, a number of folks are waiting for specialty license plates to represent their love for Mount St. Helens, the state sport ...