The study of the physiology and ecology of animals that don't have backbones, ranging from worms to sea stars, and of parasites, which can often provide insights into complex ecosystems. (Sea star ...
We explored this hypothesis in a cnidarian Hydra model system, in which spontaneous tumors can occur in the lab, and lineages in which such neoplastic cells are vertically transmitted (through host ...
This month's cover highlights the article Nup358 restricts ER-mitochondria connectivity by modulating mTORC2/Akt/GSK3β signalling by Joseph, Misha Kalarikkal and colleagues. The image shows a human ...
The scientists reached these findings while studying stellar motion in 30 UDGs in the Hydra galaxy cluster located over 160 million light-years away from us. The findings could change our ...
A Chinese-foreign research team has discovered that soil invertebrates — such as termites, ants, and earthworms — play a crucial role in enhancing soil fertility, improving soil structure and ...
Back in 2008, the bees in Lars Chittka’s honey bee (Apis mellifera) laboratory at Queens University of London started behaving as if they were seeing ghosts. In the Chittka lab, bees are housed ...
In this critical review, we synthesize research on the microbiota of aquatic vertebrates and discuss the impact of emerging stressors on aquatic microbial communities using two case studies, that of ...