Although nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere as dinitrogen gas (N 2), it is largely inaccessible in this form to most organisms, making nitrogen a scarce resource and often limiting ...
Urine is rich in nitrogen, which is important for plant growth, and now scientists have found an efficient way of utilising this to make human wastewater into fertiliser ...
of nitrogen, or less, because the soil provides the rest of the nitrogen. Our challenge is to make sure sufficient nitrogen is present when the plant needs it throughout the growing season.
"The cost of many drugs depends on the number of steps involved in making them, and drug companies are interested in finding ways to reduce these steps. By adding a nitrogen atom in the late ...
Although nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere as dinitrogen gas (N 2), it is largely inaccessible in this form to most organisms, making nitrogen a scarce resource and often limiting ...