Bored as well as broke? We've got good news for you. This March, there's a plethora of markets, events, and activities to ...
One of the key players in this growing influence of Yoga in today's world is Patanjali, a company owned by Baba Ramdev promoting Ayurvedic products and natural medicine.
Sensing your body, letting go of stress, being fully at one with yourself. Dedicated practitioners of yoga are familiar with ...
Surya Namaskar is a profound practice that embodies the essence of yoga—union of body, mind, and soul. It is a dynamic ...
Whether you want to surprise your mum or spoil yourself, aligning your personality traits with a gift or activity can make ...
“Downward facing dog is one of the most well-known yoga poses as it’s a key posture in yoga styles such as Hatha, Vinyasa, ...
To some people, the word "yoga" evokes ritualistic chanting, long breaths and slow movement. To others, it means contorting your body into ever more complicated positions until sweat drips onto ...
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