Mace Windu is one of the most important Jedi, and Samuel L. Jackson's performance was a cornerstone of the prequels. How did ...
His voice can be heard for only a minute in “The Empire Strikes Back,” but it provided the first draft of a character that ...
Exclusive: The Last of Us' Gabriel Luna is still keen to play one of Star Wars: The High Republic's most complex and ...
Giancarlo Esposito, who portrays Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian, reveals the way that Darth Vader influenced his Star Wars ...
Actor Clive Revill, who performed the original voice of Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars movie franchise has died.
This tease from Bo-Katan Kryze actor Katee Sackhoff has just totally convinced me that she's going to be in The Mandalorian ...
W dodatku Vader jest jak pułkownik Kukliński. Tak na śmiertelnie poważnie uważa Grzegorz Braun, znany reżyser. 10 maja ...
“The Monetary Policy Council members will wait for the presidential election and clear information from the government on electricity prices for households,” Bank Millennium SA analysts, led by ...
“Monetary Policy Council members will wait for the presidential election and clear information from the government on electricity prices for households,” Bank Millennium analysts led by Grzegorz ...
Minister rozwoju i technologii Krzysztof Paszyk odwołał we wtorek Grzegorza Wrochnę ze stanowiska prezesa Polskiej Agencji Kosmicznej POLSA - poinformowało ministerstwo. Jesteśmy w aplikacji na Twój ...
Grzegorz Wrochna, prezes Polskiej Agencji Kosmicznej, został odwołany ze stanowiska przez ministra rozwoju i technologii Krzysztofa Paszyka. Informację podało ministerstwo. - Przyczyną ...