The one good thing I find when winter starts to arrive is that it does give me the time to read a lot more without feeling I ...
Seasonal changes, such as cooler temperatures, often drive insects like hackberry psyllids and Asian lady beetles to seek ...
Many delicious vegetable crops can be grown in raised beds, but some are better suited than others. Consider the overall size ...
Replacing a mass planting of boxwoods gives you the opportunity to diversify your landscape and try native or underused ...
As spring warms the soil, gardeners begin the enjoyable and satisfying work of transferring seedlings and young starts into ...
Trees are master multitaskers. No duty is too daunting or tedious for these sky-scratching organisms. From soil stabilizers ...
A living art project at Loyola University Maryland is giving a new home to area wildlife including insects and birds.
Plant-eating insects are an unwelcome guest in most gardens, but there are five common plants that may keep them at bay, ...
Applying beneficial nematodes is a very simple, organic way to combat many common garden pests. These microscopic organisms ...
Plants that have been native to Missouri for thousands of years offer an opportunity to add variety to your garden, as well ...
Because life isn’t all peas and carrots, companion planting is just as effective in your ornamental beds and borders as with your vegetables.