From titanium dioxide to high-fructose corn syrup, these hidden fast-food ingredients could be affecting your health.
governed by the transcription factor FruR and its interactions with fructose-1-phosphate and HPr2(Ser-P). Nursing homes are high-risk settings for transmission of infections, but risks associated ...
Dextrose (from corn and wheat starch), fructose (from cornstarch and fruits), and invert ... Sodium alginate, a gum, forms strong, charged bonds with dicalcium phosphate to create a mesh network of ...
Phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) play a crucial role in promoting crop growth by enhancing phosphorus supply and reducing phosphorus loss in soil. However, a comprehensive bibliometric ...
Some of the only people who need to avoid fruit are those with conditions that affect the way their bodies absorb or react to fructose. A genetic disorder known as hereditary fructose intolerance ...
The impact of fructose on this process in the mother or offspring is ... was measured, and flushed with cold 10% phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Sections of ileum and jejunum were snap-frozen in ...