Temperature is a critical variable that influences countless biological processes at the cellular level. However, precisely measuring temperatures within living cells remains challenging. Conventional ...
With the addition of rutin, the emission intensity at 412 nm of Cu-CQDs decreased. Based on the phenomenon, the method was established to determinate concentration of rutin. Ultraviolet-visible ...
Linux configurable driver for Asus WMI hotkeys. The driver works as middle-man, is listening for key events from specific devices and when is appropriate key event caught then may be handle by own way ...
Research suggests that engaging in moderate- to high-intensity aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes per week can significantly reduce your waist circumference and lower your risk of chronic ...
For a single fluorescent molecule, the signal is zero if and only if the zero-intensity node of the ... able to separate two permanently emitting fluorophores at a distance of down to 8 nanometers.
For a single fluorescent molecule, the signal is zero if, and only if, the zero-intensity node of the illumination beam ... For example, they were able to separate two permanently emitting ...
Want to know how good your cardiovascular health is? You might want to check your heart rate recovery number ― or how much closer your pulse is to normal a minute after intense exercise. You can ...