If you ever notice pesky dark strands that may resemble anything from a simple speck to a cobweb drifting across your vision, what you're probably seeing is what's known as an eye floater.
If you find yourself following spots in your vision, there's no reason to worry. Here's the real reason we get them, when it happens and what to look out for. Follow TI: On Facebook More from Tech ...
However, malignant tumours, grade 3 or 4, can grow much faster, so it is crucial to spot the signs early. Romina Dibra MD, expert at myTomorrows, a global healthtech company specialising in ...
They are the spots that most people occasionally see before their eyes. The authors propose that floaters are usually diffraction patterns cast on the retina by red blood cells By Harvey E. White ...
This puzzle will put your eyesight to the ultimate test as it challenges you to spot an airplane that has seemingly ...
These disturbances may include: visual disturbances, such as seeing flashes of light, spots ... as a recent blow to the eye. If a patient presents with flashes and floaters, the doctor will ...
dry or irritated eyes, issues with stitches, small pupil size, blurry vision, headaches, worsening or new cataracts, floating spots, eye discharge, and inflammation. Before receiving Encelto ...
a lump on the eyelid or around the eye, seeing flashes of light, wiggly lines, floating spots and pain in or around the eye. Once diagnosed, treatment depends on the type of the tumour ...
However, malignant tumours, grade 3 or 4, can grow much faster, so it is crucial to spot the signs early. Romina Dibra MD, expert at myTomorrows, a global healthtech company specialising in clinical ...