Most figures in Hasbro’s Black Series line aren’t $50. They’re around half that. So, clearly, this Palpatine figure had ...
There are millions if not billions of planets sprinkled across Star Wars’ sprawling galaxy, with the one-time Jedi stronghold, Coruscant, playing a major role in multiple eras of this sci-fi ...
However, he only became Emperor after he murdered his former right-hand man, Darth Wyyrlok, who claimed the throne after Krayt ... Emperor Palpatine. During the Clone Wars (and, indeed, some ...
The Clone Wars chronicles important transformations and revelations — like Chancellor Palpatine’s rise to power as Darth Sidious, Emperor of the Galactic Empire ... Bo-Katan leaves her lonely throne ...
Although there is now so much Star Wars content that even the most dedicated fans may struggle to catch up with every new ...
For example, something that bothers a lot of new fans is: why the hell didn't the Jedi catch Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) sooner ...
When you think of Byzantine emperors, you don’t necessarily think of flying thrones, machines and automations, do you?