If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?" Shakespeare often explored emotions in such interesting and novel ways, as this line eloquently captures a bit of our ...
When Vincent Van Gogh said little emotions were the great captains of our lives and that we obey them without knowing it, he summed up mankind in a nutshell. There is no denying we are subject to ...
Music is remarkable in its ability to evoke profound emotions — chills and thrills — in listeners. And being emotionally moved by music is an inherently pleasurable experience. Most music ...
It’s an idea that came from another idea that stemmed from something else that turned into Emotions in Art, a large-scale art exhibition by Heidi Manfred now on display at the Southern Alleghenies ...
Psychological and physical health are known to improve with emotion processing, which is becoming aware of bodily sensations, accepting them as information that can be translated into emotion concepts ...
The existence of so-called ‘basic emotions’ and their defining attributes represents a long lasting and yet unsettled issue in psychology. Recently, neuroimaging evidence, especially related to the ...