Whenever a tester finds something in a game that’s clearly broken or doesn’t look quite right, they write up a bug report. This includes a summary of the problem, a detailed description ...
Two notes: the 21st century technically didn’t begin until 2001, but come on; 2000 videos are allowed. Also, artists and ...
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has a few new DLC packs for you to choose from for a more formal look, as well as a new update ...
To simplify the bug, it makes a necessary NPC play hooky. Rather than appearing where they are supposed to, the NPC just…doesn’t show up, and without them, you can’t progress any further.
ITV made a play for Coronation Street star Ryan Thomas to turn his cameo into a permanent return. Soap insiders have revealed ...
But Blackwell may have hit a money ball because Wisconsin’s point total on the score bug just kept growing. It went up to 30, grew to 75, dipped back down to 60, then rocketed to 111.
Something very, very weird kept happening to the CBS scorebug during the Wisconsin-BYU game Saturday night ... score ticked all the way up to 346 before the bug disappeared.
The injury bug keeps on getting worse for the Dallas Mavericks, as they're running out of roster spots to end the season.
In the age of CGI special effects, the average moviegoer may forget that filmmakers have pulled off some intensive and ...
Our art reflects a commitment to the pleasant, a subtlety and delay in how we communicate, and an easygoing acceptance of ...