Darth Sidious was even willing to openly acknowledge ... hinting that his apprentice would not have approved. With good reason; this was yet more heresy. Darth Maul met his final end in Star ...
His encounter with Darth Sidious may not have been as fortuitous ... the leader of the coven, who had no good in store for him. Darth Maul’s story has changed several times in Legends and ...
Darth Sidious abducted Maul as a child because he could tell he was Force-sensitive, and didn't want this potential power to fall into the hands of the Jedi. The fact that child Maul didn't have ...
We first see Darth Sidious in Star Wars ... If it's a trap, it's a heck of a good one. While it was important that Sidious look old, his yellow eyes were just as vital to the character, so ...