With its pretty flowers and endearing name, it's no wonder many opt to grow butterfly bush. If you're among them, be aware of ...
A chance encounter in a Panama rainforest has uncovered a new defensive behavior in white-necked jacobin hummingbird chicks.
Wasps do a little bit of pollinating, but they serve other purposes in your garden, eating pests like aphids, beetles, and ...
Monarch butterflies are migrating through Texas for Spring. Here's what you need to know about these fabulous flyers.
Conventional wisdom is that if you cultivate host plants, butterflies will come. Take, for example, milkweed. After declining monarch populations began making headlines in the late 1990s, people ...
The first time Camilla saw a caterpillar, she mistook the creature for a more fantastical apparition: a dragon wearing ...
In February, during the flowering time of black cumin (Nigella sativa), beekeeper Pavel Hossen set up an apiary on leased ...
One Redditor in Michigan experienced the thrill firsthand when they saw the return of an insect that has seen a fairly ...
The Colorado State Forest Service's 2024 forest health report found near-record-breaking temperatures stressed trees trying ...
A healthy, green lawn is more than just a pretty sight—it’s a sign of a thriving ecosystem right in your backyard. But when ...
The caterpillars of these butterflies develop special glands that secrete a nectar-like substance to attract ants. The ants ...
A team of entomologists and botanists at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology in Nairobi and the ...