If flower blight continues to be a problem, you can try growing blight-resistant varieties such as Kanjiro or Debutante. Q.
Members of the Greenville Camellia Society met for a fun, full agenda on March 12 at Beeland Park. After a delicious lunch ...
You’ll have to protect your young camellia plants from hungry deer, who see the flowers as a tasty snack. Blushing pink blossoms aren’t the only feature the camellia plant has to offer. The plants are ...
These 15 types of camellias will reward you with beautiful blooms even long after other seasonal plants have faded away. Here's what to know about them.
Camellia flower blight is caused by a fungus (Ciborinia ... and pruning to improve air circulation inside the plant. Unfortunately, antifungals are not very effective because treatment can ...