DNA study of Bronze Age tombs in Turkey reveals teenage human sacrifices, challenging ideas about early Mesopotamian society.
A new archaeological study has revealed that teenagers, mostly girls, were the primary human sacrifices in elaborate Bronze Age burial rituals, raising questions about long-held beliefs regarding ...
A Bronze Age tomb has revealed a haunting ritual centered on the sacrifice of teenage girls.
Archaeologists have been left baffled after discovering a hoard of new data from a 4,800-year-old Mesopotamian grave site.
Başur Höyük is a site from the early Bronze Age located in Siirt, Turkey, that dates to the late fourth and early third ...
At the threshold of written history, when the first civilizations began to consolidate in Mesopotamia and Anatolia, the world ...
The teenagers’ skeletons were unearthed at the cemetery of Basur Höyük where researchers previously uncovered evidence of “grand funerary rituals” and the burial of “spectacular” quantities of ...