You can buy "Aquadulce Claudia" broad bean seeds from Suttons. Sowing "Aquadulce Claudia" now, rather than in the spring, means they are much less likely to be affected by blackflies, points out ...
Here, he offers tips on seeds to sow in winter. 1. Broad beans Broad beans are a classic winter choice, he suggests. Varieties like ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ are particularly well-suited to these ...
MR. HEBER SMITH'S observations on the relation of the micropyle to the radicle in the seed of Vicia faba (NATURE, February 4, p. 400) are quite correct. It is surprising that the structure and ...
The flowers and young pods are quickly ruined, and the disease will penetrate older pods to discolour the seeds inside. Chocolate spot may appear from mid-winter onwards. Wet weather is needed for the ...